Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Only Thing That You Keep Changing Is Your Name. My Love Keeps Growing.

Another fantastic Arcade Fire show last night. They came out and started with this much of this song:

Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, where have you been, my darling young one?
I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains,
I've walked and I've crawled on six crooked highways,
I've stepped in the middle of seven sad forests,
I've been out in front of a dozen dead oceans,
I've been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard,
And it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard,
And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.

-Bob Dylan-

Hmmm, someone else watched that movie too. It was awesome! The show was fantastic. They also did a great version of 5 Years by David Bowie. My only regret is that I didn't motivate us to leave the Uptown Lounge earlier, so we arrived at the Riv right after the 2nd band played and it was jam packed. There was no way we were going to get up close. I remembered the hell I went through to get up close at Lollapalooza. People wanted my death. So we ended up behind the sound board and right in front of the bar. So, that in itself was pretty cool and the sound from where we were at was great. Unfortunately there was a lot of standing on tiptoes and moving from side to side to see. I'm not short either, there were just a lot of tall people. Danny said to me after the show that if Milk At Midnight ever gets that big that he would use that power to make all the tall people move back and have all the short people move to the front. I like that idea a lot. "We won't play until this happens." Yeah!

I believe I have a stye.

Main Entry: 3sty
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural sties or styes
Etymology: short for obsolete English styan,
from (assumed) Middle English, alteration of
Old English stIgend, from stIgan to go up,
rise -- more at STAIR:
an inflamed swelling of a sebaceous gland at
the margin of an eyelid


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Well How About That

No Direction Home

Unfortunately I dozed watching the Denver/KC game Monday night and woke at 9:00 missing the first hour of the PBS movie about Bob Dylan directed by Martin Scorsese. I caught the last hour of part one and it was great.

Tonight after work I had a party to go to at Dave & Busters. I have a bit of a cold and thought I would just hang for a little while. A glass of Jameson, 2 tall top shelf Long Island Ice Teas, and a free game card kept me there until after 8:00. Luckily I made it home just in time to catch part 2 of the movie. I'm so glad I did. Very inspiring. Here are a few great quotes I picked up. I may not be posting them exactly word for word, but to the best of my knowledge here they are:

"Back then you were rated not by the dollar amount you made, but by what you had to say."

I can't remember who said this, but there is so little of this going on in the music industry today.

"Don't be afraid to be on your own to do what you feel you should do, to not follow the trend."

This was from the Charlie Rose interview with Martin Scorsese following the movie as a message to youngsters. I think he was quoting someone from the movie actually. Don't remember who said it.

"An artist has to never know he has arrived and to never get comfortable with where he is at."
-Bob Dylan-

In 1965 Bob Dylan had already become a protest songwriter folk singer icon and had decided with the new songs he had written that he wanted to have a loud blues rock band, because that is how he felt the music should be done. Shortly after recording these songs he headlined this huge folk festival and came out with a full band and played this new music and it was loud and a lot of people were pissed. Others liked it, but many people totally freaked out and called him a sell out. Called him a pop artist. Although bummed about this he took this band on the road through the US and Europe. He'd play the first half of the set just acoustic and then brought the band out and rocked the second part of the show. Night after night he did this and every night people were pissed and booed during the 2nd part of the set. He did this because he believed in it and he did not want to be labeled. He didn't want the responsibility.

To this day Like A Rolling Stone is probably the biggest rock song ever and Bob Dylan is one of the most influencial artists of all time. This movie ended in the time period of 1966 just after he had a really bad motorcycle accident. He stopped touring for 8 years after that, but continued to record music. Well, you know his career has gone just fine for him since and he is still touring today. He is an artist who has never been afraid to change; always trying to try to find his way home. A home he probably won't find until he is dead.

Monday, September 26, 2005

We Got Plenty of Beer

It was not my intention to have a party yesterday, but that is certainly what happened. The Bears started at noon. A 30 pack showed up with some folks around 12:30. At halftime I went out got all the fixins for a Frito Pie. More folks came over. I had a 9 year old kitchen helper. She was great. We made a Frito Pie together, and chicken wings, and corn dogs and blew bubbles. I supervised and gave instructions and she served everyone. Very cute. More folks came over with more beer and booze and it was now officially a party. Being at work today is very rough. I'm not getting much done. Why oh why didn't I take a Rick Day. I thought about it but then decided to get in the shower and tough it out. Most of the teams I wanted to win did not yesterday, but the team I needed to lose did, so the loser pool continues with me in it. There is quite a bit of beer in my fridge still. "Oh my business!"

Friday, September 23, 2005

How About a Silly Joke for Friday

What does Captain Kirk do when he's done with the captain's log?

Circles around Uranus searching for Clingons!


Thursday, September 22, 2005

I Will Be Addressed as Wrench

Through the course of the weekend I will be addressed as Wrench. I will only answer to Wrench. Please inform others and have a nice day. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

She's Right!!!!!


The Mind and Body Are Strange Things

I got in the worst mood last night and I have no idea where it came from. I don't know if it was something on reserve from maybe something that had upset me recently that maybe I didn't allow to surface and then finally did, or maybe it was just that I was tired. Or maybe something I ate caused me to get that way. I do know that adding whiskey to the mix was not such a bright idea. It's crazy because I had gone on a long bike ride earlier and was all high from it when I got home. Weird. I think I'm right about the void stuff though.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I'm So Bored I'd Probably Jump

4 cars and 3 are taxis
1 stops
1 turns left

and 1 hesitates


I was so looking forward to having a couple of nights with no plans and just hanging by me lonesome. Last night after working until 6:00, I came home, ate dinner, watched the Saints-Giants game until it switched at 8:00 to the Cowboys-Redskins game, passed out on the couch just before halftime, and woke at 2:00 and crawled to the bed.

Tonight after working late again, I took a long bike ride and ran some errands, made dinner when I got home, and now find myself in front of a Goddamn computer again! Christ, I'm in front of a damn computer all day long! Fuck, I'm bored already! No wonder I go out so much. I've started drinking out of bordom. There has to be more than this. Well, at least I had one sober day this week. We'll see what happens tomorrow. I guess it doesn't matter though, does it? Whether it's going out and getting drunk until 4:00 in the morning, climbing a mountain, playing sports, dating a new girl, doing somersaults or whatever. Comparisons are odious. It's still filling the same void. Well, I'm still going try and feel good anyway, so fuck it.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Calendar Hung Itself

It's been over a week since I've had a good nights sleep. I'm starting to get delirious. James here informed me that if I start responding to the stapler's questions they would send me home. Thank you. Look at all the ducks gagging in the deluted urine.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Cheeseburger Question

I really appreciate a good cheeseburger. Deep down I love them so. Goddamnit! Yeah!!! Does this mean that I am a cheeseball on the surface but if you bite into me you'll discover a mouth full of flavor and good stuff? Or just a damn cheeseburger?

Monday, September 12, 2005

Dull Thump

I think I have one of the worst hangovers of my life today. If I did not have a temp I would not have come to work today. Matt is in the same shape today. I'm supposed to meet up at The Web later to talk about a video project. Ugh..I told Matt I thought I might have to do a couple of shots as soon as I get home just to feel normal. He just left and said he thought he might have to stop some place down here and do that now! I'm hoping for this feeling:

"Wow, I just had 2 doubles and feel like I've been dead my whole life and just woke up!"

-Dennis Johnson- Jesus' Son

Friday, September 09, 2005

This is What I'm Doing Tonight

And now for something a little different...
Milk at Midnight will be playing a benefit for Around The Coyote
Friday September 9 at
1927 W. North Ave.
10pm - 12pm
$5 donation and $2 from the sale of every Blonde Coyote beer goes to benefit Around The Coyote.
Milk at Midnight is the only band and will play two sets, reaching deep into their catalog for tasty nuggets and dusty gems, and perhaps a cover or two.Come on out and join in the fun, eat pizza and drink beer!

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Begin the Begin

So, after practice I made a game time decision to go with Danny and Steph to Martyrs to see Tributosaurus being REM last night. I knew they would be doing old songs and I had never seen REM back in those days and have not been much interested in seeing them these days, so I thought what the hell. I'm glad I did. It was awesome! They sounded just like them. Our friend Eric Bon Mot played guitar on a few songs and even sang lead on 9-9 from Murmur and kicked ass on it. That song has a really strange time signature and I imagine pretty hard to sing. Nice work Eric! They only played songs up to Automatic For The People and nothing after that album. Unfortunately they didn't play anything from Fables and I wouldn't have minded hearing more from Reckoning, my favorite, but still really awesome and a lot of great songs.

When I got home I was really in an REM mood and decided to pour a glass of wine and listen to Fables. Well, I'm sure you can guess what happened. I probably had 2 sips, remember hearing 1 or 1 and a half songs, woke up hours later half on the couch half on the floor with one sock off and an ashtray kicked over and all over the floor. Geez! Sometimes I think I need someone to put me to bed or at least tell me to go to bed.

I'm about to send an e-mail with my loser pick this week. I got involved in a football pool where you just have to pick one team to lose. $10. If the team loses I go again next week. If they win I'm out. The first week is hard because you really don't know how these teams are going to be. Anyway, I have to decide today because the NFL starts tonight. The NFL starts tonight!! Kick ass! I love football! I predict The Bears are going to be a lot better than people are expecting them to be this year. I'm not even going to mess with them in this pool though even if they are bad. I'm going back and forth between 2 teams right now and I think I'll just go with me gut. That or flip a coin. I'm not going to say who I've picked though until the game is over. Thank you and thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Lazy Saturday(sort of)

It is very rare that I have a Saturday that I don't have something I'm supposed to be doing. I'm always either working or having band practice and quite often both. No complaints there, but I kind of forget what a normal Saturday is like. I stayed in last night so I was up fairly early this morning. I drank whiskey though so it was a Kerouak "One fast move or I'm gone" kind of moment. Cleaned the apartment a bit and then hopped on the bike and got some breakfast. Then I went to the T-Shirt Deli and had my Slurron the Intoxicator shirt made. I love it! That place is awesome. They wrapped the shirt up like a sandwich with a Grade A USDA Beef sticker on it, gave me some napkins, a bag of potato chips, and put it in a doggy bag and stapled it shut. Pretty cool!! The girls there got a kick out of the shirt. They asked if it was a gift or for myself. I giggled and said, "Oh it's for me!" "Even better" they said. It was a little pricey but worth it. $15 for the shirt and a dollar for each letter. A lot of letters in Slurron the Intoxicator.

There's more I've wanted to do today but it's real nice being lazy and relaxing so I've sort of dozed off a few times. I also have had the US Open on. Have I mentioned I like watching tennis? I have now. Andre Agassi had a rough start but he's looking pretty good now. He's playing a guy who was born the year he played his first US Open. Berdych is proving to be a tough opponent.

Ok, time to marinate some meat. I'm going to make a kick ass dinner tonight before heading out to rock and intoxicate people. Maybe I'll see ya at The Mutiny. ARRH!!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Day 5

The pictures I saw this morning look like they were taken in Somalia. The citizens of New Orleans are being referred to as refugees. What country do I live in again? It's amazing. My heart breaks more with every picture, news clip, and story I read.

Well, the weekend is upon us. I will feel somewhat guilty running around and being a nut this weekend but somethings just have to be done. Well, I won't be running around like a nut the entire weekend. My dad is in town and I will be spending some time with him. Looking forward to that. Tomorrow night I will be filling in on bass with Here's info from their e-mail:

This Saturday The Venom Lords are back at The Mutiny with some friends. Rick Nitz (aka Slurron the Intoxicator) will be filling in for Amy on bass because our other bass fill-in is planning a wedding...and is back in school.

The bands will start right at 9:30 with Textbook. Get there early and stay late for the Venom Lords.

Also..we will be passing a big ass beer pitcher to collect money for the RedCross for the Hurricane victims. Even a dollar will help. If you can't make it to the show...please visit to little as 5 dollars.

Should be a good time!

Sarcasm on- To add to the good times this week - sarcasm off - I've been trying to locate my sister as my dad really wants to see her. It has been no picnic.

And I think I'll end this with a quote from my daily quote calender:

"The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear."


Thursday, September 01, 2005


So, I put the same post up yesterday on another blog about Red Cross and was amazed at what happened. Jokes were cracked and comments about me not getting around much if I thought New Orleans was a beautiful city and I found myself in an argument about whether it was a dirty city or not. Who cares if you think it was dirty! IT'S A FUCKING SWAMP RIGHT NOW!! People are dying and there is not even close to enough help. Show some compassion and go be a know it all at some other time. I'm sorry, but it really makes me furious. Completely uncalled for.

I'll add that the person who cracked jokes did apologize and I know they were just trying to add some comic relief. But I have a hard time joking around about it. There are many, many, many other things to joke about.