Friday, June 16, 2006


Yes, it's here again. I haven't posted anything here since last Fist Pumping Friday. I stole this from

"MaM Update
Okay, we're doing alright but we need more! At this writing
Milk at Midnight is at 26, which is awesome, but we need constant vigilance and diligence and all of that. It's a marathon, not a sprint! But run fast anyway. Some of these bastards are playing dirty no doubt, so we need all the dead voters we can. Thanks for your continued efforts!"

I realise I haven't mentioned anything about this here though, have I? Well, the deal is Milk At Midnight is trying to play Lollapalooza. You can go to that link up there and vote for us. You can do it once every 24 hours. The voting goes until June 3oth. You can use as many e-mail accounts as you would like. So, my pledge to you is to PUMP THOSE FRIDAY FISTS and slam down your vote and if we're still in this at the end we'll all be so FIST PUMPING FLIPPIN HAPPY that, well words won't even be able to express how happy. YEAH!!


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