Looking towards downtown from my usual spot at the front of the Western Ave. El platform. I wonder what kind of day tomorrow will be. Technically it is already tomorrow, but there hasn't been sleep yet, so it's not tomorrow.
Gunshots were just fired 20 minutes ago right out front. As I sit at the keyboard in front of the window, Cowpie and Seven next to me, our hearts thump heavily. 3 shots. POW!! POW !! POW!! 1 shot. POW!!! Squealing tires and distorted yelling. Then nothing. Each Winter I start to believe this hood is slightly less ghetto, but each Spring I am quickly reminded of how much it still is. The fucked up thing is I'm glad it still is. Something oddly comforting about it.
Well, good night city. Good night ghetto. Good night Tuesday night drinkers walking out of last called 2:00 AM bars. Good night shopping cart pushers. Good night street walkers. Good night stray cats and dogs. Good night dreamers. Good night street brawlers. Good night lovers. Good night somersaulters. Until next time...
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