Friday, March 24, 2006

Brain Fart

Holy monkey chicken! So, all night last night I talked, laughed, danced, and gave cigarettes to a girl who I thought was someone else. And looking back now I can't believe I thought she was that person. When I realised my mistake at the end of the night I laughed and laughed and laughed uncontrollably. I'm still laughing. The girl never suspected that I thought she was someone else, but I did go as far as to say to her boyfriend at the end of the night "When did you guys start hanging out again?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! At that moment as I heard the words come out of my mouth is where I realised my flaw. Jeez, I think it's time to switch to Sanka!

Lots of fun last night at Darkroom with Greatest Hits, Bon Mots, and Ladies and Gentleman. The night ended with Chris from Innjoy and myself breaking up a fist fight on Chicago Ave over politics. I only got hit once and then the Darkroom staff took over.

Anyway, if you're looking for something to do tonight, here ya go:

South of North presents...
Milk at Midnight at The Mutiny

2428 Western Ave. (home of the world's largest urinal)
9pm or so

FREE!w/America's #1 Sweetheart
The Broke Players
(MaM plays last)

As Tom says:a south of north event. as usual, completely free. free music, free pool, free darts, free golf, free laughs and cheap drinks. if you ask nicely and i've had enough beer, i'll even give you a free ... on second thought, never mind.

p.s.- look for new stuff soon from MaM, songs, videos, fancy emails and fish heads.

bored? why not be our friend on my space! it'll get you through the work day!

tired? go to bed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, utch! Glad to see you're having a good time. Here's something you'll find funny: Erin was bored and going through the bookmarks when she found your blog. Later that evening she asked me, "Hey, who is this 'Utch Minits' guy? He's very sharp!" I laughed, loaded the page, and pointed out your pics. It was funny.

8:59 AM  
Blogger utchmynitz said...

Do you still have a site, Tony? What happened to your stories???

7:33 AM  

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